Our team of multidisciplinary professionals aims to
continuously search for results for our clients.

Our Innovations
We created Neoideas: a true laboratory that takes us back to “incubation”. Our environment, in the office, and even outside, encourages the proposition of ideas. Pleasant surprises came in these 10 years with the creation and development of ideas that we were able to implement, either with the collaborative intention with the society in which we live, seeking better the ecosystem, or with the emergence of new businesses that improved our legal performance.
Creation of the Laboratory of Emerging Technology Companies
Neolaw.,, Represented by its founding partner, Rosely Cruz, together with two professores from Direito GV, Alexandre Pacheco and Monica Steffen, created a multidisciplinary teaching space called creation of the Laboratory of Emerging Technology Companies (LENT) the Laboratory of…
Creation of the Brazilian Insolvency Institute (IBAJUD)
After a class taught about Recovery and Bankruptcy for the firm’s lawyers and one of its clients present, Rosely Cruz (founding partner of neolaw.), together with the speaker and partner of her client, launched the idea of creating an…
Acquisition of Deep Legal
We use Deep Legal’s innovative technology, which is also an initiative – with investment – by neolaw’s founding partner. These are sophisticated statistical techniques and advanced technologies such as Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence tools to collect data, uniform it and transform them…
Creation of Golaw
We created an “in house” technology whose mission is to promote intelligent and disruptive solutions, with innovation, high performance, productivity and process optimization. Thus, our customers also benefit from this simple, agile and secure web system, which, through the recognition of standards combined with artificial…
What we do
Safety, constant and responsible communication, problem prevention and making ideas and business viable are our operating mottos. With them, we seek to build long-term relationships that allow us to deeply understand the business profile and values of our clients. We have listed our areas of expertise below and grouped them into two categories: neocredit and neobusiness.
Asset Recovery
We make it possible to recover your investment with strategic planning and strong legal performance, which reconcile a careful analysis of the credit and the debtor’s profile, associated with their payment capacity. We have the expertise to act in Judicial Recovery and Bankruptcy processes of companies, always seeking to optimize the position of our clients.
real estate
Large real estate operations need a legal structure for their viability. In Brazil, in addition to the technical analysis of the property, it is necessary to be aware of several legal aspects that can compromise a real estate transaction. We are ready to advise our clients on audits and activities that make their business effective with maximum security.
Digital Law
The speed of the technological environment requires agile, creative and attentive legal advice. The dynamism of this market, the building of relationships in the virtual environment and its impact on the business world are closely monitored by our team of experts.
Fusions and acquisitions
In a dynamic market, the decision to buy or join another company must take place before your competitor does or the market changes. We carefully and quickly analyze all the details of the target company, so that our customers do not miss out on a great deal.
Brazil presents an extremely challenging environment, with a high tax burden, a large number of obligations and complex legislation. We help our clients to optimize resources, properly fulfill their tax obligations, as well as prevent and defend against administrative and judicial tax litigation.
The success of a company depends on the engagement of its employees. However, we know that Labor Justice does not evolve at the same speed as the market. Our team of lawyers works mainly in the prevention of labor risks and advising on legal claims.
Payroll optimization, legal security and agility are advantages for hiring our legal services. Our performance is the size that our clients need, allowing them to focus on their business, while our team of multidisciplinary lawyers works on solutions to issues in different areas.
Doing Business in Brazil
Among the many challenges that foreign investors face in establishing themselves in Brazil, the legal environment is one of the most complex. That is why it is necessary to have local partners who know the particularities of the legislation in the country and who have experience in overcoming obstacles and seeking different solutions for each business.
Governance and Compliance
Market development requires greater transparency and regulatory compliance from companies, especially with the LGPD, making it essential for companies that want to be competitive and sustainable to adopt governance and compliance rules. We work to protect the company’s image and assets, in addition to protecting its partners and executives. Our goal is to bring the benefits of this era of ethics and transparency to our clients’ businesses.
Intellectual property
Intellectual property protection is critical to a secure path to growth and success. Our team allows our clients to have time, freedom and focus on their business, while taking care of the protection of their ideas, brands and creations.
Our celebrations
Check out the events we promote and participate representing the team by neolaw
When the Justice condemns a public agency to pay a sum for some lawsuit, that debt is called precatory. It is a court order that generates credit. The debt is recognized by both the debtor and the court, but the payment term is somewhat indefinite. To give you an idea, the payment queue for precatory in the state of São Paulo is in 2002.
And over time there is a market for buying and selling precatory. We are inserted in this market with expertise for buyers and sellers.
In effect, investments in precatory is not regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), because that asset does not enter the real estate securities hall. Thus, Cruz, Amaral & Dias by neolaw .. argues that it is necessary to be careful and investigate companies very well before investing the money. Such is our expertise, we analyze your precatory, helping you legally with all the dynamics that this market requires.
It is worth understanding the rules of monetary restatement and interest for court orders, as shown in the table below.
Period | Monetary correction | Simple interest | Total earnings |
Issued up to 2009 | IPCA | From 6% to 12% depending on the court decision | Precatory amount + IPCA + 6% or 12% + difference achieved in the negotiation of the discount |
Issued and pending from June 2009 to February 2015: TR + simple savings interest | TR (Reference rate) | Savings interest (0.70% of Selic) | Precatory amount + TR + 0.70% of Selic + difference achieved in discount negotiation |
Issued as of March 2015 | IPCA | Savings interest (0.70% of Selic) | Precatory amount+ IPCA + 0.70% of Selic + difference achieved in negotiating the discount |
Contact us, we hope you can make a good deal, either with the sale or with the purchase of precatory.
We have the expertise in due diligence for the acquisition of bad credits, as well as the feasibility of recovering your investment with a strategic plan that reconciles the careful analysis of credit and the profile of the debtor associated with their ability to pay. Thus, by acting in this market, we can also assist you in presenting credit buyers aiming at making it a good deal for the parties involved.
Distressed assets or bad credits become money in the hands of companies specialized in collection, which in the market are known as “vulture funds”. They negotiate loans at very high discounts in relation to the nominal value of the portfolio.
Two major movements have been guiding companies that operate in the purchase of “bad” credits: the prospect of increasing business, with the expected high default rates both among families and in companies, and the greater willingness of large banks to spawn overdue loans, they carry on the balance sheet or even those already written off for loss. The projection of those who operate in this segment is that it will move more than R$ 50 billion per year, considering the book value of the portfolios, by 2019.
We are immersed in this market.
Talk to us and we hope a good deal.
The damage caused by the economic crisis triggered by Covid-19 in small companies, leading thousands of them to close, can bring good financial results for investors and other entrepreneurs who come to buy complex assets (example real estate with judicial debts, assets in Judicial Recovery or Bankruptcy, etc.). Companies in difficulty usually put on sale what they have available, such as goodwill, industrial equipment and real estate, usually offered at prices well below the market to try to recover at least part of the loss.
In the first half of 2020, bankruptcy filings advanced 34.2%, compared to the same period last year. Of the closed companies, 518.4 thousand (99.2%) were small, with up to 49 employees. The majority, (49.5%) were from the service sector, according to a national survey by Boa Vista SCPC. In the face of this scenario, the neolaw. saw the demand grow with requests for verification of purchase opportunities originating from assets of companies that closed their doors or even the companies themselves.
It is possible to know if the purchase is in fact viable or even with the return sought by the investor, through a legal investigation that gives security to the buyer. A property – ready or unfinished – may be foreclosed as a guarantee for the payment of debts; a point of trade may be involved in money laundering or have labor liabilities, just as an industry is subject to environmental liabilities, etc.
With an opportunity or looking for, it is worth a chat with us.
Buying real estate through auctions was already a practice aimed only at investors and “experts” in the subject, who had the knowledge on how to seek the best opportunities, in addition to being willing to face a different type of purchase from the traditional, through real estate and developers.
When purchasing a property at auction, the user can choose to participate in the judicial options, which result from the direct order of a judge, ensuring security in the transaction, as the entire procedure is done with the approval of the Judiciary. We believe that these opportunities must be accompanied by legal support. Find out more by clicking
Social Responsability
Neolaw. is an office that guides its work by the values of quality, team spirit, customer focus, independence and innovation.
We believe that, as intermediate lawyers are mandatory in accessing justice, we have added responsibilities, essential to an effective exercise of citizenship. In this context, Neolaw. has been collaborating with Social Economy entities, namely through the provision of legal advisory services on a pro bono basis for non-economic institutions.
Focus on Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
As we believe in the transformative power of innovation, we have invested particularly in recent years in supporting the development and strengthening of a set of projects in the area of social innovation, social entrepreneurship and social investment, we hope to believe that will have a significant impact on the redefinition of current paradigms, by generating new answers to old problems.
Office Commitment
With Pro Bono, we allow the realization of the human and social dimension of our employees as well as the exercise of their citizenship, within Gregolim & Amaral by neolaw. and we also assist the Administrative Team with legal issues for your and your families.